Bird Netting Melbourne

Bird netting is the best way to keep undesirable birds off your property by keeping them from building nests and roosts in different places. Bird netting is a popular option for both residential and commercial buildings since it is a compassionate and extremely effective technique.
When it comes to complete exclusion, Protech Pest Control is the solution since we are certified installers and certified pest technicians. We have been helping business properties get rid of nuisance damage, disease, and bothersome occupations with our extensive selection of adaptable solutions.
We not only have the ability to install some of the world's toughest and most adaptable systems, but we also provide fair pricing and a satisfaction guarantee. We take the time to provide you with knowledgeable guidance on a variety of architectural facades. We confidently develop long-term, reasonably priced solutions after thoroughly evaluating your pest issue.
Importance of Control For Melbourne Properties
On its own, a lone bird is very charming, but an infestation is quite another. If populations grow out of control, they can become a very bothersome pest and lead to several problems, including:
- Loss of money due to continuous maintenance, clearing clogged drains, regular cleaning, service interruptions, and more
- Property damage includes things like damaged ventilation systems, deteriorating roofs, and plumbing problems
- Bad property design due to nests, trash, and droppings
- Issues with allergies, swooping, droppings, and pathogens that relate to health and safety
- Insects and parasites that reside on or inside the nest
Additionally, the Wildlife Act of 1975, forbids the deliberate disturbance or destruction of animals to protect wildlife in Victoria.
Through the creation of an exclusion zone in the chosen area, netting provides your property with excellent protection. It is especially well-liked for structures with aesthetically pleasing exteriors and unique architectural elements because it keeps them from pecking at or harming any component of the property.
There are several methods available for mitigating infestations, such as traps, repellents, and other services.
Common Places For Installation

To alleviate concerns, mesh can be erected in a variety of locations. Typical locations that frequently need them are as follows:
- Industrial areas: To keep them away from equipment, products that are being stored, and production areas, factories, manufacturing facilities, and warehouses frequently utilise it.
- Airport Terminals: To keep them from interfering with aircraft operations and endangering aviation safety, it is required around airport runways, hangars, and terminals.
- Commercial property: To prevent them from perching, nesting, and leaving droppings that might damage structures and raise hygienic issues, it is commonly used on ledges, roofs, and facades.
- Parking lots: Installing it in parking lots helps shield cars from droppings and possible harm from breeding.
- Public places: To keep things clean, stop contamination, and make visitors feel comfortable, it is frequently used in parks, gardens, and outdoor seating places.
Recall that the particular specifications will change based on the area, kind of issue, and intended result. To guarantee successful installation and long-term success, it is essential to take expert advice and direction into consideration.
Common Types of Netting
Netting prevents them from flying through or perching on the locations you wish to keep protected by erecting a physical barrier between them and the area.
There are several varieties, each intended for a particular use and species.
- Polyethylene: Because polyethylene is lightweight and simple to install, it's a great choice for seasonal bird control
- Knotted Polyethylene: This is a more durable option than regular polyethylene if you're searching for long-term protection against bigger birds
- Stainless Steel: Lastly, stainless steel is the suggested material if you need strong, long-lasting bird-proofing because it is incredibly resilient and corrosion-resistant.
Installation Techniques
The installation in Melbourne is a complex operation that requires a thorough understanding of the design of the property, the conduct of the birds, and the particular difficulties that each circumstance brings.
We use a comprehensive control strategy, which includes:
- Consultation and Analysation: Recognising your unique requirements, assessing the property, and choosing the most effective plan for installation.
- Tailored Planning: Crafting a control system that ideally complements your property’s architectural style and attractiveness.
- Installation: Applying solutions with the newest materials and technology to guarantee their durability, efficacy, and aesthetic appeal.
Advantages of Netting
Using bird mesh to control pests has several advantages. Among them are:
- Humane solution: It is made to prevent any harm, making it a humanitarian solution
- Efficient control: The best way to stop them from causing damage is to use bird mesh
- Costs: Compared to deterrents, which only offer a temporary fix, this approach is less expensive
- Visibility: Black and white are the most common colours with black being nearly undetectable
- Outcome: Bird mesh offers an immediate fix
- Preserves Damages: specifically intended to prevent them from harming agricultural crops, avoiding costly losses
- Use: It can be continuously utilised or left in place. It is resistant to fire, water, and rot
- Ranking: Architects and government agencies have ranked it as the greatest control method, and it is currently ranked #1
The Importance of Quality Material
A product is only as excellent as the combination of its components. Long-term success in the installation will depend greatly on the quality of the materials employed. Our commitment to quality is demonstrated by our use of additional UV stabilisers in addition to high-density polyethylene.
This is the reason why:
- Resistance to UV Rays: Guard your control mesh from Australia's intense sunlight to keep it strong and resilient for years to come, protecting your property in the process
- Resistance to Rot and Water: Throughout the year, Melbourne has a wide range of temperatures. Thankfully, our mesh is made to withstand these kinds of changes and the typical symptoms they cause, including rot, so it can keep performing at its best no matter what the weather
- Integrating Aesthetics: We utilise materials that complement your property's design without detracting from its functionality. Your outdoor space's beauty shouldn't have to be compromised just to install exclusion mesh
What Other Solutions Do We Provide Besides Installation in Melbourne?
We acknowledge that each control issue can call for a different strategy. Although installing is an essential part of our services. We also provide a variety of different control and exclusion methods to satisfy the various infestation requirements of our Melbourne-based clients.
Among these remedies are:
- Deterrent Structures: These non-intrusive, highly efficient repellent devices are made to stop them from landing or building nests on surfaces.
- Shock Tracks: These tracks prevent them from landing without endangering them by giving them a slight electric shock.
- Mitigation Devices: These comprise a range of equipment and strategies intended to keep them away from the area without causing harm.
- Spikes: A compassionate and widely used alternative for numerous buildings, these spikes act as a physical barrier to prevent them from roosting.
- Solutions Specific to Species: Recognising that various species can necessitate distinct management, we offer customised solutions that focus on particular species.
Regardless of the type of property—commercial, residential, historical, or industrial—our wide range of services guarantees that we can offer the best and most efficient control solution for your requirements. By integrating cutting-edge materials and technology with a thorough comprehension of behaviour and ecology, we make sure that our exclusion techniques are both incredibly successful and humane.
Why choose Protech Pest Control for Installing Bird Netting in Melbourne?
We are a customer-focused company of 26 years that is fully dedicated to giving them the greatest experience. We offer the best business and residential pest control services. In Melbourne, we provide same-day services by qualified professionals with the know-how and abilities to deliver the best results. For all of our pest control services, we provide a free quote along with a pest-free guarantee.
Get in contact with our team to learn more about our installation service in Melbourne and we'll be pleased to talk about how we can safeguard your property. Our staff will design a humane and economical control solution for your company using their years of experience with both control and the deployment of mesh.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which one is the best?
There are numerous things to take into account while selecting a mesh. The size of the bird, the area that needs to be covered, and the necessary level of protection will all determine the sort of net. The most popular kind of mesh is composed of the robust and lightweight material polypropylene. Small ones, however, may be at risk from this kind as they could get caught in the mesh.
Nets composed of nylon or other synthetic materials are therefore frequently chosen. They are safer with these materials since they are more durable and prone to tearing. Furthermore, synthetic ones are typically less expensive than polypropylene. It's crucial to weigh the needs of the bird against the price and sturdiness while selecting one for them.
What size mesh excludes them?
The size of the mesh you use is crucial for keeping them out of your garden. Larger ones can damage mesh that is too fine, but smaller ones can readily pass through holes that are too big.
Speak with a local specialist to find the ideal mesh size for your needs. They will be able to advise you on the best kind and size of mesh for your specific needs. Nonetheless, most people discover that a mesh with 1/2-inch holes works well to keep out all but the tiniest ones from their gardens.
Does bird netting deter them?
Netting is one of the most popular techniques for keeping them away from crops and other areas. There are other alternatives as well. One useful tool for establishing a physical barrier that they cannot cross is netting. Since they can see the barrier and may decide to stay away from the area entirely, the netting can also aid in visual deterrence. It's crucial to remember that it isn't always 100% successful. Strong gusts can also cause it to move or tear, and they may occasionally manage to go through or around it. Therefore, for optimal effects, netting should be used in conjunction with other deterrents.
What is the netting's durability?
The ultra-violet stabilised polyethylene twine is dense and uses state-of-the-art technology. Installation done correctly can extend life by more than ten years. Compared to subpar plastic netting systems, knotted wire twine is five times stronger and doesn't rip or sag with time. The mechanical fixtures, which come in stainless and galvanised steel, provide a strong bond with the facade. It performs exceptionally well as an electrical insulator and has good chemical and heat resistance.