Termite season is here, and so are our experts! Call us today for a free quote and same-day inspection.
Termite Control

Termites - Inspection, Control and Treatment Melbourne

Termite control Melbourne
Termite control Melbourne

Termite control is a speciality of Protech Pest Control. We have the ability to locate the source of the infestation and eradicate it from your property using cutting-edge detection methods, treatments, and preventative strategies.

We give Melbourne clients total assurance from beginning to end as the industry pioneer in termite treatments. Our certified, insured, and fully licensed technicians will design customized treatment programmes to fit your needs and budget.

Among the most devastating pests in Australia are termites. Make an appointment for a qualified termite inspection right now to get ahead of the game! We're here around the clock, and we'll take care of your problem quickly.

Melbourne Termites Inspection – Specifications and Prices

Termite Inspection
Termite Inspection Melbourne

Once on the scene, our knowledgeable professionals conduct a thorough termite inspection using the newest equipment. A Termatrac system, which can identify termite activity under ceilings, walls, crawl spaces, and floor spaces, will be used for this.

Important information found during a termite inspection can be utilized to develop a customized treatment strategy. Being among the primary termite controllers to provide true guarantees on follow-up solutions, this is an extremely personalized service.

To schedule a qualified inspection, get in touch with us right now.

What are the Consequences of Termite Destruction?

Homeowner's worst nightmare is having to deal with a termite infestation. The damage has the potential to completely destroy a home's structure, destroying your living area and lowering the worth of your major investment.

Keep in mind you will encounter more damage, the more you put off getting an inspection!

Did you know?

  • More damage is caused to homes by termites than by storms, bushfires, and floods all together.
  • Termites are a common pest often in urban places and one in three Australian homes have termite damage.
  • Termite damage is not covered by most basic insurance policies, therefore you are responsible for paying for it yourself.

Please get in touch with us right once if you see these indications of termite destruction.

  • More damage is caused to homes by termites than by storms, bushfires, and floods all together.Termite Mud: Tiny tunnels that resemble straws and resemble mud.
  • Wood has a hollow sound.
  • Modifications to door and window closures.

Generally speaking, based on your home's layout and other elements, we provide a variety of treatment approaches. For clients living in Melbourne, this will establish the cost of the termite examination.

What Is the Price of an Inspection?

Incorporating a comprehensive inspection into a treatment plan is crucial. Key information that helps us decide on our treatment plan will be found throughout the inspection procedure.

It is vital to detect and eradicate termites as soon as possible because they are a damaging pest. For this reason, we constantly advise scheduling a routine termite check for your residence or place of work. We begin by providing you with a free session during which we will discuss the extent of the problem and schedule an appropriate time for an expert inspection.

A comprehensive price will be given to you after the termite inspection is finished by our knowledgeable personnel. The type of termites you have plus the dimensions, design, and ease of access to your property will all affect this price.

Melbourne Termite Treatment – Treatments and Price

Melbourne Termite Treatment
Melbourne Termite Treatment

When it comes to termite treatment programmes in Melbourne, the experts at Protech Pest Control lead the industry. Our technicians use cutting-edge Termatrac technology to identify source activities and then apply their in-depth knowledge to craft a workable solution.

Typically, a customized termite treatment plan would incorporate preventative steps to lessen the likelihood of additional infestations. This protection method, which can last up to ten years, is an excellent termite control technology that helps manage the danger of termite attacks on high-risk areas’ structures. The extent of the infestation and your property are two further variables that affect the total price.

What Is the Cost of Treating Termites?

What is the price of termite solutions? We provide a customized treatment plan to our Melbourne clients following the completion of the inspection. Numerous factors affect how much therapy will cost. This usually depends on how bad the infestation is, how much damage the termites have caused, how big your property is, how easy it is to access, and which species of termites are present. The price of treating termites can vary, but generally speaking, treatments cost between $2,500 and $4,000.

Stages of a Termite Treatment

  • Inspection: Once you have contacted our experts for an inspection of your property, they will thoroughly inspect your home and its surroundings to identify the cause of the infestation, the type of pest you are dealing with, the areas infested, the severity of the infestation, the extent of damage caused, and much more. They will also look for the nest and provide you with a detailed report.
  • Plan of Action: Based on the information provided in the report, our experts would come up with a thorough plan of action such as which type of treatment would work best to terminate the infestation and which areas of your property require higher or more care, the timeline for the treatment, the results you can expect and any other important instructions that you might need to know before the treatment is conducted.
  • The Treatment Process: After our experts have thoroughly communicated all the necessary details to you, the treatment process will begin. They will complete the procedure based on the treatment plan outlined in the report using environmentally safe products. However, depending on the severity of the infestation, baits could be used.
  • Post-treatment Prevention: If you do not follow the post-treatment prevention measures as recommended by the experts, you might not see the best results and it could even lead to a recurrence of the infestation. Therefore, you should wholeheartedly follow the preventative measures suggested by the experts. They will also install barriers to prevent them from coming back ever again and inspect these barriers every once in a while to ensure they continue working efficiently.

Termite Treatment Alternatives

There are various treatment alternatives available. However, based on various factors, our experts suggest the best treatment plan for you and your home. These factors include the species, your budget and preference, the type of building, the severity of the infestation, and the environmental conditions.

The treatment options available are colony eradication, eliminating them from the property with baits, and installation of termite barriers to prevent future infestations.

Termite Prevention & Control – Who Are We?

Termite Control Melbourne
Termite Protection Melbourne

A reputable provider of termite prevention in Melbourne, Protech Pest Control is fully licensed, insured, and accredited. Our specialization is termite treatment, providing efficient solutions that help you save money and time. We provide guarantees for preventative and treatment techniques, and our personnel always adhere to the most recent Australian Standards (AS3660).

Please contact us right now to arrange termite protection for your property. Our services are also available to architects and builders who want expert termite protection for new construction, as we are an HIA-qualified company.

How are we aiding in preventing termites from attacking your home?

You cannot afford to take shortcuts when it comes to termite problems. In order to safeguard your house, family, or commercial space from the destructive effects of termites, Protech Pest Control offers professional termite control services that include the barrier installations. We also use the newest, most advanced technology. We also:

  • Apply the most recent technological advancements to a thorough termite check.
  • Adapt a termite control strategy.
  • Install safeguards against termites, such as barrier treatments.
  • Inspect properties prior to sale.

For professional and affordable termite control in Melbourne, get in touch with Protech Pest Control's experts.

Importance of Termite Control in Melbourne

  • Although they do not harm humans, their bites could cause itchiness and their nests or droppings could trigger an allergic reaction for some individuals.
  • Their presence would discourage people from visiting your home or taking anything from you.
  • They can cause significant damage to your wooden furniture. You should be even more careful to keep them at bay if you have any vintage furniture of heritage value.
  • Some species are even known to destroy electrical wiring which could lead to short circuits
  • If your wooden structures are decomposing, you could end up dealing with a mould situation that could cause various types of health issues for your family members.

Expert Termite Extermination

A very successful termite control and preventive strategy is installing bait systems. This strategy entails placing bait in specific locations. After feeding, termites return to their colonies and nests with the bait, which eventually leads to the bugs' own death.

If our professionals find that termite baiting is the best course of action, they can apply it to Melbourne premises. We also make sure that in these circumstances, the native animals, pets, and residents' health and safety are not jeopardized.

We will patiently walk you through the complete termite control procedure and are pleased to answer any of your questions.

Termites: What are They?

You will gain a grasp of the fundamentals and the importance of routine termite inspections for termite management by reading this overview.

Termites are sociable subterranean insects that can live in millions of strong groups or colonies. Termites are well-known for eating wood. They can have wildly varied appearances, with varying sizes, forms, and colors; that being said, some commonalities do exist.

The Isopteran order includes all species of termites. Despite being referred to as "white ants" occasionally, they are not related to them. Despite being greatly altered, they are actually more closely linked to cockroaches.

The subterranean Coptotermes order comprises the majority of species found. In Victoria, there are various unique subspecies that are frequently encountered. Coptotermes lacteus, Frenchi, and Acinaciformis are three species that can infiltrate buildings and seriously harm wood components. Accurate identification is a crucial first step towards successful therapy.

Some termites, such as the species Nasutitermes, live in structures like wooden telephone poles, while others, called "magnetic termites," reside in mounds above ground. The species Coptotermes inhabits every structure rooted in the ground, including woodpiles, fences, trees, sheds, stumps, and even the wooden parts of your house.

The castes that exist within termite colonies:

  • Worker: Manages the food supply and tunneling.
  • Soldier: Protects against trespassers.
  • Reproductive (alates): Provides for the colony's future generations.

Termites that work as workers or soldiers don’t procreate. All termites, however, eat cellulose, which can be found in grass, other natural materials, and paper, wood and cardboard.

Termites usually feed from the inside out on wood items, keeping hidden and unseen. Termite inspection is the best solution to finding them effortlessly.

Types of Termites found in Australia

  • Subterranean Termites: They are the most commonly found in Australia and are known to cause the most destruction to homes. Since they live in colonies underground, they create mud tunnels to travel back and forth to the surface in search of food. This type is attracted to cellulose items and wood which makes your home an ideal place for them. They have saw-like sharp teeth and strong jaws which can even cause an entire building to collapse due to them constantly munching on the wood. Since they can’t survive in the open air, they always need to be in contact with the soil to live.
  • Drywood Termites: Drywood termites can survive in the open which is why they live above the ground and do not need mud tunnels to travel. They are attracted to undecayed and dry wood including timber and other furniture items. They prefer tropical, coastal and subtropical climates and are less destructive as compared to subterranean ones.
  • Dampwood Termites: As the name suggests, these types of insects are attracted to moist wood such as damp wooden structures that have been ruined by leakages and moisture. You will often find them in humid and cool areas and nesting below the soil in wood. Because they need moisture for their survival, the treatment or process to get rid of them simply includes getting rid of the moist wood.

Here are Characteristic Facts About Them

  • Come in various shapes, sizes and colours.
  • Multiply rapidly breeding into an infestation.
  • Colonies have hierarchies with specific roles to perform.

That's probably why they remain undefeated....for a lay person that is.

Homes and building construction all over Melbourne need to have treatment against termites. This is obviously because of the wood content that attracts them. A warm invitation could soon turn into an unwelcome infestation.

Not only will they wreak havoc in your home it might be too late to salvage your property. Would you really want to put your home and possessions at stake? We're sure you wouldn't! Wondering what parts of your home they find so inviting? Read on!

  • Soil fill
  • Wall cavities
  • Unused areas of buildings
  • Spaces between false flooring
  • Verandahs
  • Patios

Once they find an area that meets their requirement of food and shelter, they stick around. They then begin to build tunnels through the timber in order to build up their colony.

Your House Could be Included in One Third of the Houses That Get Affected by Termites.

Did you consider that threat? An important part of the colony is the workers with powerful chewing mouths that can demolish entire buildings and houses. These form about 80% of the colony.

Behaviour Patterns of Termites

There are many different locations where termites can make their nests, such as tree stumps, decaying building materials, soil fill, beneath buildings, in hollow walls and pretty much anywhere made of wood in your house. Also, they could establish colonies in your yard's trees and beneath concrete slabs. Some preferences are imported oak, elms, peppercorns, and eucalypts.

Termites can dig up to 100 metres to feed on wood, even if the nest is far from a building. Your property will be secure and safe with a comprehensive termite inspection and treatment service.

Reproduction in Termites and Alates

Reproduction in Termites and Alates
Reproduction in Termites and Alates

In the chamber located at the core of the colony, the queen and king termites lay their eggs and direct the workers and soldier’s daily activities. Termites can have up to four centimetre-long nests, with a single queen for a nest. Forty thousands eggs can be laid a day by exceptionally busy queen termites. In certain instances, the queen can also live an incredible 40 years. Within a colony, termite numbers typically range from 70,000 to 100,000.

It typically takes termite colonies five years for fully maturing and the point at which they will begin to let go of reproductive alates. Alate termites guarantee the survival of the colony since the worker and soldiers are incapable of procreating.

During summer, when the nighttime humidity is at peak, alate (reproductive) termites have the ability to fly and choose to do so. Since they frequently release hundreds and up to thousands of termites, an alate swarm is quite the sight. They are poor flyers and frequently travel short distances in their flight. A swarm around lights outside and a mound of abandoned wings may indicate the presence of a colony, as they are also drawn to light. They can start a new one by tunneling under the earth after mating during this season. However, they are weak when in flight, and many die from exposure or predation.

Termites frequently flee during homeowner absences. Coming home to find your house suddenly overrun by flying insects can be very unsettling. Because they are drawn to light, alates are frequently seen next to carpets or traveling in the direction of windows. But if exposed, they don't survive long, and they frequently disappear from the house in big numbers.

With a comprehensive termite examination, Protech Pest Control can identify the termites and recommend the best solution. This is necessary to deal with the termite infestation that is currently there as well as to take preventative measures.

Termite Infestation Symptoms

    • Termite mud: Termites use a mud-like material made from their excrement to build tunnels. But because it's usually hidden behind walls or structures, this chemical might be difficult to find. Our termite experts will carry out a comprehensive termite inspection to find termite entrance sites, which resemble mud tubes or tunnels and allow termites to enter a building covertly. Since many homeowners and individuals unfamiliar with termite habits fail to notice these telltale signals, it is important to consult a termite professional.

    • Hollow-sounding wood: If wood sounds hollow and echoes when it is pounded or tapped, termites are probably infested. When performing a termite inspection, our termite experts check for certain subtle visual signs. Although homeowners may not notice termite damage to flooring or wood components, our termite specialists will be able to identify it promptly.

    • Cracks at door jams and cornices: Although there are many reasons why cracks occur, termites can occasionally cause structural damage that triggers cracks.

    • Collapsing wood: When pushed or bumped, severely termite-damaged wood will really give way. When vacuuming or cleaning, homeowners frequently find termite damage to hardwood areas like skirting boards, door frames, and architraves, and the timber splits open. It is crucial for potential termite treatment plans in the future as well as for safeguarding other portions of your house that are not affected by termites. Termites will withdraw and relocate to a new ‘feeding’ site if areas they have destroyed are disturbed, resulting in damage to other wood.

The 3 Don’t: if you have an infestation

1. Don’t Spray: If you spot them live in action, it is important that you do not spray them with insecticides. Even though it might kill the ones that got sprayed on, it will not kill the rest or eliminate the colony.

2. Don’t Touch: Leave them alone and don’t touch them or their mud tunnels or the infected items. It might cause them to go into hiding and would make it difficult to identify their new home or hiding place.

3. Don’t Panic: Even though you really want to react when panicking, avoid doing so as that won’t solve the problem either. Just call up our experts at Protech Pest Control and let them do all the work to eliminate your pest infestation.

Inspection for Termites Before Buying

Whether you are buying a house or already own one, it is essential to have a inspection done as part of the initial inspection process. Once you've decided on a property, don't hesitate to ask our experts for guidance. In the event that termites are found during our inspection, we can advise you on the clauses to add if you are buying as a private treaty. In order to guarantee that pre-purchase pest inspections are completed promptly, we will communicate with vendors and real estate brokers.

We collaborate with you at every stage to provide you with a thorough report that includes important risk details, if termites have been treated on the building in the past, and, in the event that termites were discovered, a comprehensive proposal that includes an estimate as well as an illustration of the extent of the damage. Our reports are typically delivered in a day. In Melbourne, we also provide termite inspections for those wishing to evaluate and treat the land they plan to develop on.

Yearly Termite Inspections for Termite-free Environments

Termites are often elusive and hard to find, and by the time they do, the harm is already done. For early awareness or to ensure that termites haven't started a penetration, an annual termite check is crucial. Because of their expertise and understanding of termite biology and behaviour, our termite inspectors can promptly spot any symptoms of termite activity.

Termite treatment during construction or remodeling

In order to prevent termites from compromising your structure, it is imperative that you take termite protection into consideration when constructing or renovating your home. Certain sections of the Council have been identified as "Declared Zones," which means that you must comply by providing termite protection. To make sure this is done appropriately and certified, you should speak with an expert.

The requirements should normally be known to your builder, you can still feel free to speak with our operators. Plans will often be approved in accordance with Australian Standards 3660.1-2014. If you do not have barriers installed, obtaining an Occupancy Certificate may provide challenges.

We would be happy to provide you with process advice from our operators to guarantee that it is completely compliant and shielded from termite assault. Please send us your blueprints, our experts will provide you with a detailed plan and advice on how to safeguard your property.

Prevention Tips for Termite Protection

If you sight any of the above you'll want to seek professional help immediately but here are a few tips for prevention against a termite infestation:

      • Getting rid of loose timber in and around your home.
      • Removal/ replacement of landscape timbers and timber retaining walls.
      • Place vents in external walls to block entryways.
      • Clear vents that keep the house thoroughly ventilated.
      • Use metal stirrups to raise the timber.
      • Fix any leaking water pipes, sinks, drains, etc.
      • Check to ensure no excessive moisture near water tanks if any.
      • Ensure your garden bed is below the weep hole.
      • Regular inspections every 6-12 months by trusted professionals.

An Average Colony Eats 5 Gms of The Wood in Your House!

termite signs
Termite Damage

For buildings and homes in Melbourne that are already up and functioning, a moisture meter and microwave detection unit (Termatrac) are excellent ways to detect an infestation and the location of the colony. This enables accurate treatment measures for complete elimination.

For buildings or homes that are under construction, it would be wise to employ the services of professionals for a pest inspection report. It reveals any pest infestation history and also includes a thorough check-up of the place to find out existing infestations and more than that it exposes certain spots that might attract an infestation later.To sum things up if you're considering making a purchase, a pest inspection report would be highly valuable to have at hand.

Hold Up, That's Not All When It Comes to Termite Problems! Below are Ways in Which They Could Affect Yours and Your Family's Health:

  • They can cause allergies & asthma attacks
  • They could cause earaches and noises by creeping into the middle ear
  • They may attack the intestines and cause abdominal pain
  • Their stings are painful & causes excessive itching & swelling of tissues

Why Choose Protech Pest Control Termite Barriers?

      • 26 years of experience in the industry
      • Highly qualified and trained experts with years of experience
      • Latest technology and eco-friendly products
      • Same-day inspection and services
      • 100% satisfaction guarantee
      • Free quotation and cost-efficient prices

We provide following termite control services in Melbourne

Frequently Asked Questions

    • How long will the treatment last?

      Depending on its nature, the termite treatment on your property will have varying durations. The likelihood of the termites coming back in a few months increases if you use a quick-fix treatment, such as dusting or spraying, to eradicate a tiny colony. If they come back, you'll need to get treated again shortly. On the other hand, termite barrier treatments and baiting treatments provide permanent termite protection without requiring additional treatments. To further prevent the need for retreatment in the near future, it is imperative that the treatment be performed by a skilled and competent organization.

    • Can I Treat Termites Myself at Home?

      In the unlikely event that a do-it-yourself termite treatment fails, there are proactive measures you can take to either detect termite infestations beforehand or even prevent them from occurring. Put a barrier made of gravel or a comparable substance between the ground and any wooden structures, such as porches. Avoid using mud tubes, especially when they're close to foundations. Determine the strength of the wood by pressing on it or by looking for hollowing with a torch. Sustain sufficient ventilation and sealing to avert moisture accumulation and the deterioration of structural wood. The most effective way to get rid of termites is to hire experts. Tom's Pest Control termite specialists have years of experience and access to the best industry solutions, so they can design a unique treatment plan.

    • Does Termite Protection Apply to All Homes?

      There are about 350 different species of termites in Australia. Naturally, considering the risk of termite attacks in many parts of Melbourne, you don't want your dream home to become a target. These vermin, also referred to as white ants, have the ability to chew through electrical cables, floors, walls, and ceilings. The damage might run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars if they are not contained. Fortunately, a termite treatment business can protect your new home even prior to the foundation being finished.

    • What is the most effective termite treatment?

      One of the most effective treatments is baiting systems. Although it is a time-consuming treatment, it is highly effective and can be used in the long run to keep them at bay and prevent them from returning. With the help of baits, you will not only be able to kill the termites in your home but also the entire colony.

    • What is the fastest way to get rid of termites naturally?

      While there are various options for getting rid of them naturally, they aren’t as reliable as you may think. This is because you will only be killing the ones that you see or the ones that come in contact with. You may now even know how big the infestation is or where all they have been or heading. Removing them requires a lot of effort, skills, knowledge, and time, therefore it is best to trust the experts and let them do what they do best.

    • Is termite damage covered by insurance?

      Termite damage isn’t covered under insurance. Therefore, to cut down on your losses and prevent any damage to your property, you should sign up for frequent inspections and implement preventative measures.

    • How quickly does the treatment work?

      The timeline for seeing the effectiveness of the treatment would depend on how big or small the infestation is. If you have used bait systems, it would depend on how long it takes for the queen to come in contact with the bait and die. However, you should give it anywhere between one to two weeks.

    • What is the best time of year to treat termites?

      Termites are hardworking pests that work all through the year without quitting. Therefore, you need an even harder working prevention plan to keep them from invading your home. Ensure you also get your home inspected every once in a while to keep an eye out for any early signs of an infestation.

    • How long is a termite treatment active?

      Baits are effective for an entire year whereas soil liquid treatment can last up to 5 years. However, the longevity of treatments depends on which treatment you choose.

    • How does the treatment work?

      There are various treatments and they all work differently. While chemical treatments involve chemically treating the soil around your home to keep them at bay, baiting involves installations of bait systems at various locations around your property and whenever the termite consumes or comes into contact with the bait, it would die.

    • How often should I have an inspection?

      It would be ideal if you could get your home inspected after every 6 months to ensure your preventative measures are still effective and to catch any early signs of an infestation. You should also get your home inspected before or anytime in between if you ever suspect an infestation.

    • How can Protech Pest Control help with your termite problem?

      We at Protech Pest Control offer cost-efficient termite control and removal services using eco-friendly treatments, conducted by highly qualified and trained experts with years of experience in dealing with all sorts of pests. We also use the latest and best technology to ensure you get nothing but the best.

    • How much does the treatment cost?

      The cost of a treatment would depend on various factors such as which type of treatment you choose, how bad the infestation is and what type of termite you are dealing with.

    • Does every home require/need protection?

      Yes! Whether you own a home or an office space, termite protection is vital for every building and especially to reduce the damage that they can cause and having to pay a hefty bill for repairs.

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  • Pest free guarantee
  • Instant follow up service
  • Best rates and Quality service
  • Certified pest experts
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Termite Control Get Rid of Termites

4/11 Cooper Street, Campbellfield,
VIC 3061, Australia

Phone: 1300 486 149, (03) 9449 4244
Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 5 PM
ABN: 46098709472
Email: sales@protechpestcontrol.com.au